Corporate Member shall be a registered commercial or Industrial undertaking, a department of the Central or State Government, a local body, or a recognized statutory body. Fees: Rs. 90,000/- (Foreign US $3000) per year.
Research Organization shall be of outstanding professional distinction in the field of Hydrogen Energy and its applications. Fees: Rs. 45,000/- (Foreign US $1500) per year.
Educational Institutes and Universities should be recognized by the statutory body and working in the area of hydrogen energy and its applications. Fees: Rs. 25,000/- (Foreign US $750) per year.
Honorary Member shall be an individual with record of meritorious service to any public cause and shall be enrolled only by the invitation of the committee with their previous consent. Fees: Nil
Individual Member shall be the professionals working in the field of Hydrogen Energy and its applications. Fees: Rs.1100/- (Foreign US $20/-) per year or Rs. 11000/- (US $200/-) for life membership